feel stuck - Day 9 #30dayswritingchallange

April 09, 2020

Hello welcome back, today is 9th day for this month and also my post.

It's more than a week and I feel stuck right now, cause don't have any idea to make something here, I'm sorry to me and my special readers :(

Today when I wake up very late and open my phone and there's have notification about task of english, yes today is english scheduled. And I preapare my self with take a bath first and then cleaned my table, then start to studied.

I love English since kids and till right now, but the problem is it's hard for me to learn it fast. Like I must have to understand it for much time, and always try again till I feel more satisfied. 'Ok wini u must still learn again'. 

I'm writing here using random grammer cause I still learn about that.

Today my subjet on English class about Comparative and Superlative. Actually it's fun to learn via online, if I can't understand I can rewind it. And my notes very clean and neat, cause I love to do that.

I'm sorry I don't know what will I talk to anymore, cause it's really stuck.

Thanks for reading

see u tomorrow

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